It’s important to have your vehicle insured

IMC Insurance Brokers can arrange a competitive premium to protect your vehicle and your liability.

Comprehensive Car Insurance offers top-level protection. In the event of an accident, your car will be replace or repaired (even if it’s your fault), theft, fire, hail or malicious damage anywhere in Australia.

Third Fire & Theft covers your car against fire and theft and includes Third Party Insurance. If your car is stolen, you can hire car for 14 days and have have your personal property or luggage replaced, if it’s stolen from your car.

Third Party Property Damage is a budget-friendly car insurance option for the basics. It ensures you won’t need to pay to repair someone else’s vehicle if your car causes damage.

To obtain a  quote CLICK HERE to  complete our Online form or phone us on 1300 251 253.  

Additional Driver Declaration

To add an additional driver to your Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy, Click here to download.

Driver Renewal Declaration

Please complete this form to disclose any changes in your driving history to your insurer. Click here to download

Outstanding Warrants & Fines

If you have outstanding traffic fines and warrants, your vehicle registration or licence may be suspended. Visit MyFines and check your report for Free

Vic Roads Drivers History Report

Get a printed copy of your driver history report, detailing your driving offences and demerit points. Click here to obtain a copy of your report