Professional Indemnity is important for all professionals who offer any form of advice. Unfortunately, most Professional Indemnity products exclude areas of contention rendering them inefficient and limited in their application. Through experience and extensive research into the needs of its clients , IMC Insurance Brokers has been able to secure comprehensive and highly competitive cover for a variety of professions including:
- Accountants, Tax Agents & Insolvency Practices
- Actuaries
- Architects & Engineers
- Design & Manufacture Professionals
- IT Consultants & Contractors
- Management Consultants
- Mortgage Industry Professionals
- Real Estate Agents & Valuers
- Recruitment, HR & Personnel Consultants
If you would like to know more about Professional Indemnity Insurance please phone us on 1300 251 253 or Click Here to complete our Online form.
Anyone who gives to another person advice and/or services of a skilful character according to an established discipline might be regarded as a ‘Professional’. We answer the most common questions asked about professional indemnity insurance.